July 12, 2021 (Press Release) - In a motion for a consent order filed [July 12] in the United States District Court in Rock Hill, New-Indy Catawba LLC agreed to continue measures specified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to address concerns about odor in the vicinity of [the Catawba pulp and paper mill in South Carolina].
The filing is a procedural step to extend the EPA's May 13, 2021 order regarding hydrogen sulfide emissions until October 31, 2021.
[July 12's] filing demonstrates New-Indy Catawba's intention to accomplish its objective of cooperatively resolving any environmental concerns relating to its operations and its continuing commitment to work together with South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), EPA and the community to address the issue expeditiously. Reflecting this commitment, since March, we have:
With these steps, we are able to operate within the expectations of DHEC, EPA and the community, and have enabled the community to observe our data each day. Data shows that air emissions of hydrogen sulfide have been well below specified levels. Planned additional measures will improve consistency in operations and response to variations in weather and other factors.
We will continue to cooperate with local, state, and federal authorities to address public concerns swiftly. Our organization is committed to the safety of its neighbors, its 420 employees and the hundreds of others in the surrounding area who provide goods and services to the mill; protecting the environment; promoting economic vitality; and providing charitable contributions to support local causes. New-Indy Catawba mill executives and employees live and work here, and we remain eager and determined to do right by our community.
SOURCE: New-Indy Catawba LLC
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