Oct. 20, 2023 - UPM Communication Papers in July announced plans to permanently close its Plattling mill in Germany to align graphic paper capacity to the customer demand. The participation process with the employee representatives has now been completed and the mill will cease its production by the end of November 2023 at the latest.
The number of UPM employees affected is 401.
Graphic paper production on the two machines is expected to end on 15 November (PM 11) and on 22 November (PM 1), reducing the coated (215,000 tonnes) and uncoated (380,000 tonnes) publication paper capacity by 595,000 tonnes in Europe.
"Together with the Workers' Council, we entered into a fair dialogue with the aim of creating responsible solutions for our employees," said Gerhard Mayer, General Manager. "Thanks to the considerate and collaborative attitude of all parties involved during the consultations, socially acceptable solutions were achieved with a clear focus on possible follow-up employment, ultimately mitigating the impact of the closure for our employees."
The financial impact estimate of the mill closure is confirmed to remain materially unchanged from the announcement of 25 July 2023.
UPM delivers renewable and responsible solutions and innovates for a future beyond fossils across six business areas: UPM Biorefining, UPM Energy, UPM Raflatac, UPM Specialty Papers, UPM Communication Papers and UPM Plywood.
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