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PaperAge distributes a digital paper industry newsletter every Thursday. The newsletter is a weekly round-up of major news stories and market reports focused on pulp, paper, packaging, paper converting and suppliers to the industry.

The newsletter is delivered free of charge by email, and a subscriber can opt-out at any time.

A sample of our newsletter is available on the following link: Paper Industry News - Sept. 21, 2023.

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IMPORTANT: Please check a box in one of the following three sections indicating the nature of your business.

1. If the location where you work is the site of a mill or mills, check below all products manufactured at the site:
  Paper and/or Containerboard, Paperboard, Linerboard, etc.
  Pulp and Paper, Containerboard, Paperboard, Linerboard, etc. (integrated facility)
  Pulp and Tissue (integrated facility)

2. If your company manufactures any of the products listed in Section 1, but the location where you work is not the site of a mill, check below the nature of the business:
  Headquarters office
  Branch office
  Woodlands operation
  Converting operation
  Research, technical, or engineering laboratory or facility

3. If your company does not manufacture any of the products listed in Section 1, please check below the nature of its business:
  Paper merchant and/or distributor
  Importer or exporter of pulp, paper, board, tissue, etc.
  Buyer of paper and/or paperboard for end-use purposes
  Independent converting plant
  Independent producer, supplier, or dealer of pulpwood or pulp chips
  Consultant: engineering, technical, production, or research
  Manufacturer or distributer of machinery, equipment, chemicals or supplies
  Educational institution
  Industry association
  Financial institution
  Other (please specify)

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